The blog and podcast to develop your resilience, leadership, and influence

Positively Leading

With Dr. Sarah Howling

listen or read here

As we hurtle towards the holiday season and 2023 comes to a close, it’s not uncommon for many of us to feel the weight of exhaustion and stress with so many events in the school calendar. That’s before you even think about the amount of presents to buy and wrap, cooking the perfect Christmas dinner, […]

Ep 28: A leader’s guide to a calm and restorative holiday season

the latest

As we hurtle towards the holiday season and 2023 comes to a close, it’s not uncommon for many of us to feel the weight of exhaustion and stress with so many events in the school calendar. That’s before you even think about the amount of presents to buy and wrap, cooking the perfect Christmas dinner, […]

Ep 28: A leader’s guide to a calm and restorative holiday season


What’s one thing that you’re grateful for today? Do you know your favourite ways to practise gratitude? Have you ever tried to cultivate gratitude within your team or organisation?  Gratitude can transform and significantly impact our well-being, resilience and leadership. It really is a superpower in leadership and life! In this episode, we’re exploring the […]

Ep 27: Embracing Gratitude: 7 strategies to enhance wellbeing for yourself and your team

Positive leadership

Change can be challenging, whether it’s on a personal or organisational level. But by understanding the inner workings of our brains, we can make small adjustments to the way we approach change and achieve better results. Neuroscience and behavioural psychology offer us new perspectives, allowing us to better understand people’s motivations and how to effectively […]

Change is unavoidable – whether it’s in our professional or personal lives. It can be hard and can seem even harder when we haven’t asked for it, we don’t want it, and feel like we have limited control. Fortunately, there are ways to get better at change, and that’s our focus in today’s episode as […]

Ep 24: How to thrive through change: 10 top tips


Are you looking to boost wellbeing, inclusion and performance in your team? Well, taking a strengths-based approach could be just what you need because understanding and utilising strengths can create a ripple effect of positive emotions, better teamwork, and enhanced performance.  In this episode you’ll gain valuable tools and strategies for using strengths effectively with […]

Ep 22: Strengths-based Leadership: boost wellbeing, inclusion, and performance in your team

High-performing teams

Feedback is a superpower allowing for open, honest and kind conversations, which fuels relationships, learning, and performance.  But to be effective, feedback must be part of your culture. In episode 20 of the Positively Leading podcast we explore how to make it happen. More specifically, I… Want to boost morale and performance in your team […]

We know that feedback is essential for healthy relationships and professional growth, but sometimes it can be challenging to receive. This is especially the case if you didn’t ask for it, don’t want it, and you don’t agree with it!  In this episode (the third in a series of four on feedback) we explore how […]

Ep 19: How to get better at receiving feedback


As leaders, we’re always learning. And in today’s episode, we’re diving deep into the topic of learning in leadership, whether you’re an emerging, middle, or senior leader.  We’ll talk about why having the right mindset and heartset is so important, and how without cultivating these first, any learning might not be as effective.  I’ll also […]

Ep 15: Unlocking learning: Strategies to learn and grow at every level of leadership

Positive leadership

Creating a culture of connection is essential in school because feeling like we belong is a core human need. When we feel disconnected this can negatively impact our well-being, our thinking, our productivity and so much more.  In this episode, the second in the back-to-school series, we’ll take a deep dive into culture and explore […]