The blog and podcast to develop your resilience, leadership, and influence

Positively Leading

With Dr. Sarah Howling

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Feedback is a superpower allowing for open, honest and kind conversations, which fuels relationships, learning, and performance.  But to be effective, feedback must be part of your culture. In episode 20 of the Positively Leading podcast we explore how to make it happen. More specifically, I… Want to boost morale and performance in your team […]

Ep 20: Building a feedback-rich culture: six strategies for success

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Feedback is a superpower allowing for open, honest and kind conversations, which fuels relationships, learning, and performance.  But to be effective, feedback must be part of your culture. In episode 20 of the Positively Leading podcast we explore how to make it happen. More specifically, I… Want to boost morale and performance in your team […]

Ep 20: Building a feedback-rich culture: six strategies for success


As humans, we crave feedback because we want to learn and grow.  But let’s face it, feedback often sucks, and stats from Gallup show that less than one in five managers think they’re effective at giving feedback! Let’s change that!  This episode’s for you if you’ve ever felt tongue-tied or uncomfortable giving feedback or perhaps […]

Ep 18: How to have powerful, positive, and productive feedback conversations
